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Side Game


A side game refers to any additional gambling activity that occurs alongside the main game. These side games can vary widely in nature and are typically played by the same group of players during breaks or downtime. Side games add an extra layer of excitement to the game experience, allowing players to diversify their gambling activities and potentially win or lose additional money while waiting for their next game. It's essential to note that side games should be approached with caution, as they can lead to distractions and affect a player's focus on the primary game.

Game List History

Three Side Games Main Categories

Currently we have three Side Games Category includes:
(I).Poker Side Games
(II).Card Side Games
(III).Mahjong Side Games

Last Update on Sep,2023

Poker Side Games

Currently consist of 5 games.

I. Rabbit Betting-押兔子
II. Lucky Number Betting-幸运数字
III. Insurance Coverage Betting-买保险
IV. Cow Cow Betting-猜牛牛
V. Crazy Cow Betting-疯狂牛牛
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Card Side Games

1 games (Update Soon)

I. Thirteen Knight-十三水

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Mahjong Side Games

1 games (Update Soon)

I. Sichuan Mahjong-四川麻将
II. Taiwan Hong Kong Mahjong-台湾香港麻将

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New Games Incoming

currently on update